Multi Selection Customiser

Our multi selection customiser allows your customers to choose multiple fonts and colours for each word in their sign.

Here's how to get started:

  1. Navigate to your Sign Customiser app in Shopify and click on "Customisers" from the home screen
  2. Click on the "Create customiser" button in the top right
  3. Select your customiser type and press "Next"
  4. Choose "Multi Selection (BETA)" and press "Next"

  1. Choose your letter model and hit "Create"
    1. To quickly try it out, make sure to leave "include demo data" checked

You can click on "Preview" in the top right to try out this customiser right away!

Fonts and colours can be changed on the sign by hovering your mouse over a word in the visualisation and selecting from the dropdowns that appear.

Desktop view

On mobile, you should tap the word and use the tabs underneath the visualisation.

Mobile view


This feature adds a few new buttons which all have labels ready for you to customise in the "Language Forms Images" tab in the admin section.


There are two new settings available in the "General Settings" area which give you more control of this feature.

- Allow multiple colours

- When unchecked this limits the user to only selecting a single colour

- Allow multiple fonts

- When unchecked this limits the user to only selecting a single font

Font pricing

Pricing is defined exactly the same as before by creating price rules and applying them to individual fonts. If a customer selects multiple fonts for their sign, we will calculate the associated price of each word based on the font chosen. The prices of each word are then added together to produce the final price.

Colour pricing

Colours can have price modifiers attached to them that will affect the overall price of the sign in different ways. For the following examples, assume we are working with a sign that has three words, "One Two Three".

Base prices

If the modifier is a base price, we only apply the price once per option.

For example:

- You have a colour "Orange" that has no price modifier

- You have a colour "Blue" that has a base price of $10

In our sign "One" and "Three" are the colour Blue but "Two" is Orange, the $10 base price is only added once, even though two words are blue.

Letter price multiplier

If the modifier is a price multiplier with a target of "Letter Price Only", then the multiplier is applied to any letters that have that colour.

For example:

- You have a colour "Orange" that has no price modifier

- You have a colour "Blue" that has a multiplier of 1.5

In our sign "One" and "Three" are the colour Blue but "Two" is Orange, the blue 1.5 multiplier is applied to the font cost of the words "One" and "Three".

Final price multiplier

If the modifier is a price multiplier with a target of "Final Price", then the multiplier is applied only a single time per colour.

For example:

- You have a colour "Orange" that has no price modifier

- You have a colour "Blue" that has a multiplier of 1.5

In our sign "One" and "Three" are the colour Blue but "Two" is Orange, the blue 1.5 multiplier is applied to the final cost of the sign only once, even though we have two words that are blue.

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